Love Poem: I Can'T Imagine
Michael Tor Avatar
Written by: Michael Tor

I Can'T Imagine

I can't imagine the mind numbing, perpetual chronic migraine pain, in your mind and heart. Dwelling there and never going away. Of your horrific loss.
The heartbreaking ordeal of fighting a storm, on a boat, for a better life, for your children and wife, escaping the onslaught of terror in your country.Of trying to save your son's Aylan and Galip and wife Rehen.  As they were pulled from your arms, in a raging storm at night. Succumbing to letting go of their little hands, not by choice, and knowing when letting go, your life would die also. The overwhelming guilt you are feeling, and the forgiveness of yourself, you will never accept. The sounds of your children  and wife, crying for their protector, to save them and not being able to. Creating relentless remorse in you. Then the painful  pictures of Aylan and Galip to always remind you of your agonizing loss.

" I don't want anything else from this world." " Everything is gone." " I want to bury my children and sit beside them until I die."  Abdullah Kurdi The children's father.

This writing was inspired by Demetrios Trifiatis poem Shame of Humanity. A touching truth Demetrios has written. I encourage my fellow poets to read.
My prayers go out to Abdulla, his wife Rehen, Aylan, and Galip. 
Also there are charities for these suffering people. You can find them on line. 

9/4/2015 Michael Tor.