I Can'T Shed a Tear
I Can't Shed A Tear
Not if I truly love them who gives me strength to keep living in a world were are blood means nothing and were apart by fate.No one can tell me that I'm blind when they can't even the truth that right in front of them.I will never shed a as long as you all live in my heart, I won't cry I will bear all the pain so that you can live a happier life.i want you to go through life knowing you can cry because you will never see my shed one drop.no adult understands what it means to protect when they gave up on that job themselves. i promised to protect the very lives that showed me a new world when my old one crashed and burned.i won't shed a tear so you can never to be reasoned never to be broken kill me if you see that i have broken. But for you who gave my life a real meaning i shall never shed that tear.