I Can'T Unlove You
I can't unthink about you.
I can't unfeel your love.
I can't unremember that Precious day.
I can't unknow your love.
I realize just how impossible it is, I can't unlove you!
I can't unsee your beauty.
I can't unshare your truth.
I can't unsee your creations.
I can't undo your bearing.
I realize just how impossible it is, I can't unlove you!
I can't untell you, I love you.
I can't uncount the memories.
I can't unstore Precious moments.
I can't ungo the extra mile.
I realize just how impossible it is, I can't unlove you!
I can't uncomplete your will.
I can't undo your works of Grace.
I can't unfeel your enduring mercies.
I can't unmove your gentle guiding hands.
I realize just how impossible it is, I can't unlove you!
I can't unread your Holy Word.
I can't understand everything.
I can't unbe all you deemed me to be.
I can't uncover my sins.
I realize just how impossible it is, I can't unlove you!
I can't unlove your people.
I can't unlove your church.
I can't ungive you my whole being.
I can't unsing you praise.
I realize just how impossible it is, I can't unlove you!
I can't unsee your witness.
I can't unchange my heart.
I can't unchange my ways.
I can't unlive forever.
I realize just how impossible it is, I can't unlove you!
(c) April 12, 2006 Rosemarie Schrock