I Care
I do Love You
I do care I do care
I really care I really care
I do love you I do love you
From both sides Of my heart
Love is expressed xx Love is expressed
Just for You, my love Just for You, my love
There are no words to express how I truly feel
The world doesn't contain enough paper to hold all
Of the sentiment held in my heart for You on this day
I do really care about You, for You are my love, my one true love
I do care, I do love you, You are so special,You made just me
Life has issued me some good, some bad, and some laughter
Through it all you held me and have grown me into maturity
I do care about every aspect of your love, you care about me
Valentine's Day is a special time to share my thoughts of love
I am so glad that You chose me years ago to be thine
Joy fills my heart when I think about You and Your love
The sacrifice that You made for me long ago so that
I might live in abundance of grace and sweet love
Red paints the picture of the sacrifice given
A love that can't be explained in human
Terms of understanding now or ever
Thank you my Valentine
You are truly divine
One of a kind
The Lamb