Love Poem: I Chose You
Janelle Sarah Avatar
Written by: Janelle Sarah

I Chose You

I see you looking at me, 

Watching my every move, 

Listening to my every word, 


I know you wonder why I chose you,

Why for some reason you stuck out amongst the rest, 

How it is, I decided to spend my time with you.


There is not a complex answer, 

I can not tell you what it was,

But simply my curiosity.


The way you looked at me the first glance,

The way you continued to look at me,

The way you watched me as I walked away.


There was a silent type, 

Yet something in your eyes told me you could hurt me,

Told me you could break my heart,

Told me you could make me crumble.


I do not want to be hurt by you,

But it is a chance I am willing to take,

Because my curiosity as won,

And I want you as mine.