I Come Nearer You
I come nearer You
not for fear of lethal
wrath (fire and brimstone
is not an endearing
knowing damnation
never more than a thought
away; even this realization
(having read the Revelation)
has never been enough
to alter my deep clay pace;
this is not why
to You, and to You, alone,
I pray…
but I run to You
after having tried
my own proven
I come to You with
clearer eyes; as my
ego philosophy dies,
impaled on its own
lance of lies...
falling on its own
long-overdue demise...
world appeal now
seeming smaller when
compared with my own
repenting sighs—as my
once alternative gods
continue to shrivel:
lowly retreating
admitting defeat;
I come to You,
as one looking not
above, but as one
having determined,
there is no
life worth pursuing
outside Your
benevolent love….