I Cry Because I Cry
I cry for me, I cry for you, I cry because I cry
I’d hoped to find a love that's true
And thought that love might be you
But I see a man who cannot love
Because of what’s missing from above
A man who’s been torn and beaten down
By the past loves that’s been around
I cannot fix this man I see
Because he’s really just like me
The loves we have loved, they did not last
There just a memory in our past
I want to fix this man I see
But then I ask, who will fix me
I cannot see what’s hidden within
Hidden far beneath the skin
And because it’s been there for so long
I cry because of the pain it caused
I want to help heal that man I see
But know that it may never be
Love is there it’s all around
In the world we live, it can be found
It is the things we say and the things we do
That is what expresses the love in you
So I cry for me, I cry for you, I cry because I cry