I Did Not Leave In Time
I have absorbed your words
I have drank your voice
My heart has cried
For the bondage of your choice
There aren't enough hues or shades
To express the color of grief
I've ran out of blacks and blues
Reds and purples hold no relief
If I were a painter
I would never frame you or hang you on my wall
I would incorporate your flow
Into the Niagra of my fall
.....oh the splattering, shattering, scattering of my broken soul.....
Boats come to view the great wonder
They feel the power of the rush
But they can not comprehend
The magnanimous pressure of the crush
We bathed, unencumbered, in deep waters
Capturing and enjoying each others essence
Free to have lack and need
The fullness of another's presence
You were never mine to have
I trembled under your exuberant praise
You touched my words with your golden scepter
And became the eternity in my days
Circumstances have moved us apart
But I know I did not leave in time
Your life may belong to her
But your heart lies at peace in mine
Written by Trudy Schrader on 2-4-11
Note: He was my mentor. There was no way we could have known that the sharing of words
would lead to regions in our hearts that had never been explored. The depth of intimacy is
proving to be extremely difficult to express. I can not mourn this loss, nor can he,
because we can not acknowledge the existence or the depth of intimacy between us. If only
we had known...alas, this lesson of love could not have been avoided.