I Didn'T Come To Church For Coffee
I Didn’t Come to Church For Coffee…
I didn’t come to church for coffee…
I came for prayer.
In all of this entertainment.
Is God still there?
I didn’t come for a latte stand.
Or for a couch to sit in.
I came to meet a God who
can take away my sin!
I came to spend time with God.
I don’t mean to be rude.
But in all this kind of “excitement.”
I’m not in the mood .
I have a need. I need someone to
simply listen.
Everyone’s “too busy” in doing what
they feel is “God’s mission.”
Nothing here in this building really
get’s me “excited.”
If I wanted to... A “trip to Las Vegas,”
could be provided.
I came to meet Jesus. His presence
is powerful and relevant.
I need his touch right now. This is so evident!
Jesus said his house; “is a house of prayer.”
“Not a den of thieves.”
From what I see here…
Is this what everyone believes?
I will seek his direction.
Wherever he may lead me!
Even if this church
doesn’t receive me!
I come to YOU God. You are filled with
holiness and great power!
Behold the Lord God…
Could come THIS VERY HOUR!
By Jim Pemberton 11/08/11