I Died a Little Inside
I died a little inside when, through your displays,
I felt, Love, that you did not really believe in our story
That you thought, maybe, it could simply be a little madness,
Another pink cloud floating gracefully around
In a sea of multicolored clouds!
I died a little inside, when, through the gaze of your eyes,
I sensed that you may not value me as much as I value you,
You are, after all,
The one with whom I've had a past life,
You remain, in the end,
The one with whom I desire to sway
Across the tunes of this one life,
The only one to whom I shall tie myself
In the next life,
For I have belonged to you
Ever since I spawned, from the raging waters
Of eternally swirling oceans!
But I died a little when I faced your bold indifference
It felt like the Earth had no place in Existence,
That everything and everyone just come and go
As seasons do,
Coldly and mechanically!
I died, as I realised that you have not been shown
The mystery behind the mystical meaning of our bond
I died, and I still do, each time I wonder
How the Heavens shall make me feel?
Shall I merely choose to sit in a corner
Refusing adamantly to give in to the pulls of the Gods,
As they shall implore me to forgive and to forget
That you stayed away from me,
While I battled for my own survival in a world
Where living felt as pricky as a bare footed walk on
Cold rocky paths?
Or, shall I just beam, so grateful and so in love
With you, who deemed that it was best
To dive into the illusory mess that I chose to fall to
Merely to save me, while laying everything else aside?
The pain of those jolts that come
With the realisation that our bond leaves space for doubt,
In your own mind,
Kills me everyday,
As it had killed me a little,
When I first felt it!
Pray, should I die from this pain though,
I know, someday, when the dawn of our meaning
Will unveil itself to you,
You shall die too, just like I did,
Slowly and in utmost silence!
I can still be saved, and so can you!
Hold my hand and pull me out of the swamps
In which I am drowning,
Pull me out and let the fire that burns in you
Kindle up in me and burn in me too!
In that way, someday, when Death shall show up,
We shall smile, hold each other's hands
And allow his power,
To have us resurrected, there,
Where it all started!
For Contest I died a little inside
Written on 7th Feb 2019
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