I Dont Even Know
I'm confused
How can you tell someone
something so important
then disregard it a short time later?
Is it me?
How can you say you're happy with me
but then turn around and break it off?
It is me..
I took this all too serious right?
I seem to like you more then you like me..
but I wont get you wrong, you DO like me
So why did this all happen?
You wanted to make me happy
but in the process you weren't
So why do something that doesn't make you smile?
Even if it's just for a while, we'd get over it.
So we're not broken up
but we're not official
So what are we? we're nothing.
Or are we? You tell me.
Maybe Im getting this all wrong, and missing the real message
The fact that you only want a cutesy flirty thing, but nothing serious
Cutesy flirty you can have with more then one person
Am I just one of many? Most likely.
I'm really confused
and hurt at the fact
that you made me believe
that you actually wanted to be with me.
I dont know anymore, about anything.
Im just lost, so confused
Do I give up?
Or wait til u finally decide what YOU want?
I dont know.. I really dont.
I sit here and think that i did it all again
And I did. And same story as always
girl falls for guy, guy lies. Girl's heart breaks.