I Don'T Even Know Anymore
Sometimes I wish I could just leave you,
But you say what you say to make me stay.
What we had in the beginning was so sweet,
So unique and I wouldn't give it up for the world.
Now I'm afraid to tell you anything because,
It all just ends up being my fault.
I've tried to tell you how I feel again and again,
But now no words come out,
Because I have no clue what to say to you.
You say to me that you want guidance and advice,
But you never listen to a damn thing I say so why listen now?
You beg me to stay when all I want to do is leave,
And clear my mind because I don't even know who I am anymore.
All I do is what you say because if I don't you get upset at me,
And then I get upset because you don't pay attention to me,
And all I want is your attention and love.
You don't even trust me you say.
I've never even given you a reason not to trust me,
And I'm so tired of being ridiculed for the things I do.
I've never cheated on you,
And I'm not going to.
Sometimes I wonder if It's even worth it to be with you anymore.
God knows that I've contemplated ending it so many times this past month.
I think what's happening is that we learned things from each other,
And we've learned all there is to know from this relationship.
I know you love me,
But only half of me loves you anymore.