I Don'T Know
I don't know...
if we could walk again in the rain
snuggled close under one umbrella
sloshing in madness into wet streets
unmindful of the sheets of water
slapping our faces.
I don't know...
if you still remember running futilely
to catch taxis that never seemed to be empty
and we would laugh instead
and sit for hours in the park until dark.
I don't know...
if wherever you are right now
you could still look up at a clear still night
find our own particular star
pluck it out from the sky
into your hands to wish on.
And I don't know...
if the remembering of us
will give you pain instead of warmth
as it does me, for the dreams we wasted
and thrown away in careless defiance
of our perceived chosen destiny.
I just don't know...
@jjote 0830/2015