Love Poem: I Don'T Know You - But Who Cares
Charles Messina Avatar
Written by: Charles Messina

I Don'T Know You - But Who Cares

I Don't Know You  
But Who Cares 
Take it 
It's all yours 
There it is 
Just take it 
It's for you 
I gave it 
Now it's yours 
Yours to keep 
Yours to hold 
Yours to cherish 
Yours to keep with you everyday 
Don't ever through it away 
I would feel sad 
I would feel hurt 
I would feel like I haven't done enough
My day will be empty if you do not take it
So please 
Take it 
Take what I am giving 
Giving to you
Take my gift 
Take my gift to you 
To you all  
I give you 
All of you
My love 
But what? 
But I don't know you? 
So what 
So what if I don't know you 
It doesn't matter
Why should it 
It's love 
Love for you 
That I gave  
That I gave to you all