I dream of you Until we meet again
I dream of you
(Until we meet again)
By Michelle Morris
Every time I dream of you
And how much I want you near
There across the world in China
A bicycle appears
Now there are millions of bicycles
Lying sad and alone in a mountain heap
And still we are so far apart
I wonder if I should get more sleep
Maybe I'll dream of a Tardis
And infiltrate the Matrix
After all, anything is possible
So, I can combine any equations
I could move through doorways and worlds
I could appear beside you anytime
We could have many more great adventures
And not be separated by space or time
Or maybe I could dream of a new universe
One where we can share magical lives
Where unicorns and rainbow waterfalls
Are all part of our everyday existence
Anything is possible
Yet I am here and you are there
Perhaps we need to follow these paths
And accept there's a greater plan to share
Your hemisphere needs you
And mine clearly needs me
We spread Joy and Happiness
Peace and Freedom
We embody Love and Light
Stardust and Magic
So, I shall dream my dreams
Until we're meant to happen
No more bicycles
No more Matrix
I shall float with the Angels
And keep you free and safe
I'll send you unicorns
I'll send you faeries
Sparkles and inspiration
So you know that I'm near
And on your path you'll see
Up ahead a sign from Heaven
Angels will guide our souls
Until we meet again
© Michelle Morris, 2023