Love Poem: I Had a Crush
Phred Sirikye  Avatar
Written by: Phred Sirikye

I Had a Crush

An unproportional bottom.
A tender upward structure.
Well built to yield the temptation.
Affirming to the mean walk.
A glimpse is cuttingly perfect.
For that point in time, that moment in life.

A few and far between character.
Those lips linger sweetness.
That smile suggests love in-depth.
The heart must be unbelievably huge.
And the soul heavenly made.

Devilish in such a manner.
Sympathetic, yet never turns around.
The sight cheers up a soul.
Filling up a heart with joy.
And painful joy, is it any good?

She is never in a rush,
Despite being the genesis
Of all the evil in my mind.
Deep inside my bones,
A nervous surge is felt
Can't help but sigh, just a little bit

She turns to walk away,
And off she's gone.
I think about loosing,
I don't know what.
But that pesky myth.
I had a crush.

Contest: Not the God
Sponsor: Caren Krutsinger
Submitted on 11/07/2020