I Had To Set Him Free
He never loved me like I thought he would.
He'll only forget me in time the way I knew he would.
Every time he came to me
I let him get to close to me.
I should have held my heart more closely.
He left me alone
My heart was torn
I cried the whole time
behind closed doors.
He was never there
He never knew
How much I needed him there
and to heare him say I love you too.
I tried so hard to turn his head,
But all I got was silence instead.
To talk to him
He built a wall
To never hear what was said at all.
The love he had for me
was so different than mine
all I wanted was for your love to forever shine.
My dreams of him holding me never came true,
My impression of love
a fairytail to bid fare-well to.
The words he left unspoken
Our love is now broken.
But it's okay
I understand
He never wanted to be hand in hand.
He will never love me
and that I see
So today,
I had to set him free.