I Have a Stick In My Eye
I have a stick in my eye.
It looks like a puppet's
Whos been caught in a lie.
The whole of my world
Easily sees
The strangling hold
This stick has on me.
It burns and it stings
Never waivers its fire
And it catches and snags
On any might desire.
This stick in my eye
Is so demanding of me
insisting my focus
An intolerable degree.
All thought and perception
Are owned by this minion
As is my "self"
Kept from release
Too preoccupied and pinioned.
Months had to fester
And now red with anger
Time heals this not
For infection does linger.
I would like there to be a stick in your eye,
My rugpulling playmate,
With heart gone awry.
You were there when it happened,
'Twas about your own fable
And though I love you still
Of this life I'm not able.
But the lil' one of mine,
With a star in his eye
Keeps me from leaving
With his light
in my sky.