I Have a Sweet Dream
I have a sweet dream of one perfect love,
But in my dream always, push comes to shove,
God is the object of my affection,
But where, most precious heart, does this leave you?
If God wins my vote in each election?
You're in second place when voting is thru!
I can understand why you might feel stuff,
Less than, insecure, your pride in a huff.
To fight with God, is that something you do,
Are you so stubborn, a Rock of Gibraltar?
Words will be shared but should God say, 'Adieu, '
Well I'd rather be left at the altar.
And this all for what, if I'm in your bed
Or would you 'rather be dead than well read'*
For God really can teach us how to dance
And although I can sure be a dummy,
God loving me is what gives me a chance,
Allows me to dream, that you might love me.
* Little joke here!