I Have Not Ignored
Your tears I have not ignored. Your hurts I have felt.
Peace and joy I long for you to have. The peace, that all I have promised you, is
so. And the joy of knowing and seeing it come to pass.
The promise is here! You taste it, smell it, and sense it in all senses but sight.
In sight you don’t experience it yet, don’t let the inability to physically see what I’ve
promised, cheat you out of what you have already received.
Remember the things I told you in days past, don’t you see what I am doing?
Look! Learn!
The Blood: what one drop can do - use it!
My Power & Strength: it’s for you when you are weak and overburdened - take it,
use it!
My Purifying Fire: it cleanses and strengthens you - allow Me to do it!
I am making a mighty vessel as you are fired with trials; only the flawless vessels
withstand the kiln heat as it is fired. Those with flaws crack, break, shatter to
pieces, and prove to be useless to a potter.
But you shall withstand the kiln heat. You will come forth as a strong and useful
vessel in which many will drink.
A vessel that feeds the hungry, gives drink to those who thirst, love and
compassion to those who hurt; for one who has truly experienced hurt will know
the hurt of another.
And through you will I heal the hurting, minister to the afflicted, and love the
lonely. Because you feed, give drink and have compassion, not only to their flesh
but also to their spirits. They feel it! They hunger for more and with My vessel I
give to them, more and more.