I Have Seen the Feelings of Love Ii
Note: With some modifications I will be posting it soon on my Music channel 'RavindraKK1' as a Song also.
I have seen the feelings of Love
Concluding part
In such an aroma of the fragrance
The mingling smell of Mango flowers
Pumps and rises the waves of passion
In every loving heart.
Even at the cost of getting
Scattered and lost
The hilarious sea waves
Goes up and up in humans
As well as in animals
Touching the rocks and sky
So that it may reach
In the sweet embrace of its lover.
And the joy of love and passion
Rises higher and higher
When the soothing moonlight falls
On the eager loving hearts
And the fragrance of night flowers
Make it more than an intoxicating art.
In such an aroma
Of sweet smelling flowers
The Koyal* too began to call
Its soul mates lost on some other tree
Far away from the Mango flowers
Perhaps lost in some diminishing jungles
These melodies of the immortal birds
Purify the air everywhere on earth
So that the bitterness of hearts
Can be dissolved to some extent
Which empowers the mind
To make follies
Forgetting the sweetness of life.
The Koyal* spreads the magic of love
While flying from one branch to another
And refresh the air and the surroundings
By filling it every time
With its sweetest sound vibrations
As its last fighting attempt to save
The fast diminishing Natural surroundings
From out life and hearts
These melodies flow all over the Earth
Wherever the trees are still in existence
But these can only be heard by those,
Who have enough love in hearts
And a passion for such sweet singing birds
Which are slowly at the verge
Of getting extinguished and lost forever.
Kanpur India 16th April 2013
*Koyal - The singing bird of India like Nightingale