I Heard of Another Heartache
I Heard Of Another Heartache…
I heard of another heartache. Another disappointment…
I was told of another life filled
with discouragement.
Another life that has been “torn apart.”
Another wounded spirit.
Another wounded heart.
I read of tragedies happening “all over the place.”.
I see the many discouragements on people’s face.
I wish I could “snap my fingers,”
and make it “go away.”
I hope to make a difference in
someone’s life today!
Here’s my wish and a prayer…
God will look after you…
And keep you in his care!
I plead the blood of Jesus
over your family too!
That you would trust God.
No matter what others do!
May it be your desire for a Godly
healing from above…
And bind our hearts with HIS
never ending love!
May we all hold on to God’s
outstretched hand…
And seek his blessing over
our home and land!
God can bring hope to a
“hopeless situation.”
And can bring peace to you
with a “heavenly visitation.”
Won’t you seek God…
While he may be found?
For where there’s sin…
His grace does much more abound!
By Jim Pemberton