I Hope So
What about now
you are suffering
and know she is not,
you are locked
and she is out,
that your fears have knocked you down,
and yet you know she's not a coward?
What will happen to you, sir,
now that your pain knows no limits
like her who's knowing no limits
now that she is not in pain?
What now that you cry
and she won't know,
that you know
that she won't cry
and that you'll ever think about her
yet you'll never own her thoughts?
Tell me sir what happens now
that you know she will never dream
yet she is all you've dreamed about!
And now that you both know
what goes on there deep inside
and that you see the truth
that lies in the smallest lie . . .
tell me, now, sir,
are you finally happy?
Patrícia Evans