I Just Want To Wish You Merry Christmas
I just want to wish you merry Christmas
This is my letter to you love
I jott this down to make a move
Although you and I
Are no longer one
I just want to wish you a merry christmas
I heard you got the one
More perfect and commited than I
Although I feel pain in my eye
I promise not to cry
Am writing you this
I just want to wish you a merry christmas
Our moments will everlast
Though you never fought for our love to last
But i would not die because of thirst
It was you, who left me first
I promise not to curse
Am writing you this
I just want to wish you a merry christmas
I leave our mistakes in the past
With a hope to get over you fast
With the past months which were full of dust
And a hope of getting someone better
Am writing you this
I just want to wish you a merry christmas