Love Poem: I Knew An Old Fashioned Pastor
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

I Knew An Old Fashioned Pastor

I once had a pastor who preached 
on holiness and sin.
And preached on what it
 means to be born again.

He had a deep conviction and
 passion in his voice.
Whether you came next Sunday--
This was your choice!

His number one goal and deep ambition.
Was to preach God's word with a deep conviction.

A conviction of God's power in
 redeeeming man's soul.
And of a saviour's blood that can make you whole.

I'm thankful of the memories 
I have of him today.
Even though he preached in an "old fashioned way."

I wish more pastors would 
preach like this man did.
Who could preach and be a Godly
 example in how they live.

What has happened to our 
nation's Godly leaders?
Where are the the Holy Ghost'
 inspired preachers?

Have many of them compromised 
in what they preach?
A way of righteous living-- do any of them teach?

Perhaps the way I believe is 
"old fashioned" to many folks.
I've heard the criticism, 
laughter and the jokes.

I'm going to seek God and listen to his voice.
Whom you listen to for Godly instruction...
 it's your choice!

Whatever your pastor says. is right or wrong...
God's word in your heart must certainly belong!

Living for Jesus 100% may be an 
old fashioned way of living.
But it's his life for mine... is what he is giving!

By Jim Pemberton