I Know How Much You'Ve Been Suffering
I know how much you’ve been suffering
Written By Dean Masciarelli
Friday, May 21, 2010
I know how much
you’ve been suffering
And how difficult everything
has been for you just
to make it through another day
Because I know that it
just hasn’t been that easy
Since your dear loved
earned their wings to fly
Because you truly miss them
with every ounce of your being
And that’s not very difficult
at all for me to understand
Because I have been there a
couple of times now my friend
And some days will be
so much
harder then the other ones
But let me tell you something
The good Lord is never that far
away because he is always close by
When your truly having a difficult
time just trying to find your way
Especially in times like this
When you are truly suffering
and you no longer feel like you
can make it through another day