Love Poem: I Know of a Young Man With Many Problems He Didn'T Uderstand
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

I Know of a Young Man With Many Problems He Didn'T Uderstand

I Know Of A Young Man...

I know of a young man with struggles 
 he could not contain.
Each day...  He continued a life 
of guilt and shame...

Quite often... He attended the 
church' youth meeting.
 Deep inside...  He was 
"hurting and bleeding."

He didn't know whom to ask for help or prayer.
It seemed like everyone he talked to... 
 Didn't really care...

Even the pastor had so many things occupying his mind.
Any kind of spiritual help 
was difficult to find!

Each night...  Before bedtime.
  He laid awake and cried.
Crying out; "Lord Jesus...   
I've nowhere else to hide!"

He opened up a Bible. In search of an answer or two.
Seeking the truth..   Not knowing 
what else to do...

Many nights on his knees. in prayer.  Had been spent.
He wanted to change...
And before God...  Repent!

The chains of darkness that
 had once held him down...
We're now being broken.!
 A new life  in Jesus he had found!

His desires changed...  As his love for 
Jesus began to grow.
He soon discovered a peace and 
satisfaction for his soul!

Today, he knows.. . This same Jesus 
can change you throughout!
He can change anyone.  Both nside and out!!!

You can be a brand new person! 
The past put away!t
Allow Christ to change your life!  
Why not today???

By Jim Pemberton   