I Know Who You Are
You are the morning
Virgin ripe like the full bunch Benin banana
Crystal clear like the revered coastal river
Bright and bold as the Bantu warriors
Resplendent with the radiance of the sun
at first peep from the ozone horizon
you are the one
who shines out my darkness
you the one who turns up
and I am lit me up all inside out
I know who you are
You are the high noon
Drying up my tears
Charging me up with effervescent energies
Scorching drying all my foes
I know who you are
You are the evening
Descending gently
You come and cool your way into my wary soul
Your call forth dance drama
With evening showers
You cll forth the moon
To hold out the impending darkness
You seduce the stars
To shine my soul to glory
And inspire my mind to creativity
You are the night
You prepare me ready
Lulling me with gentle breeze
To a sleep of sweet dreams
I know who you are
You are my most precious gift
My jewel of value inestimable
You are the love of my life
My inner wheel of strength
The clue to the puzzle of my life
You are my complement
I know who you are
You are the bird of flight
That gives me wings and fly on high
You make me cover mileage in minutes
You give me wide lead among my equals
I know who you are, Olubunkola
You are mine
The human angel
You are my God-sent
My very best next person after me