Love Poem: I Live For You

I Live For You

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go . . . "
                                   ee Cummings

I carry your essence with me
In the fire of hope that has been lit
In the very depths of my heart
I carry your eyes in the radiance of mine own,
At least,
They are there on those days that mine are not puffy,
Red and sore, after having cried the night away,
Lamenting at your silence and your coldness!

I carry your kindness with me
Even if it feels like a sword slitting through my body
As I wonder if you do feel for me,
At least, even, a tiny little bit!

I carry your breath in me
I live because you do
I shall perish the day you shall cease to be
I am already dying,
A little bit at a time,
As you steadily and firmly keep
Putting me back into my place,
Reminding me
That maybe,
The fire of hope that burns in my heart
Is nothing else but a fragment
Of my own imagination
And that dreams, in real life,
Never do come true!

Still, amidst all of this blurry haze of hurt
I carry you in my heart
Hiding my tear stricken eyes behind glamorous smiles
And perfect make up
Going on my way
With the broken pieces of my heart
Stuck to each other
Lighting up the world with enough zeal in my gaze
As to make the rest of humanity
Want to follow me!

But I am living solely for you
I shall cease to be
The day you would snatch your heart off my grip
And tell me
Go on your way,
As our roads differ!

I shall cease to be
Drowned in the flood of my tears
Buried in the tomb of my own pain
Burnt in the pyre of my own madness
Remembered as the one living for that impossible love
As it had been willed by the skies!

Written on 3 November 2019
Writing Challenge, November- Some Kind of Love 
Sponsor, Dear Heart - Wiishkobi Ode