I Look Upon Your Face
I look upon your face as you
lay sleeping.
Wanting to see the secrets
you are keeping.
I know all about your feelings
of fear.
That I see with the occasional
little tear,
That rolls down you cheek
when you’re unaware.
The one when you’re awake
you just can’t share.
Sometimes I see a smile
upon your face.
That lets me know you’re
in a happy place.
But just as fast, that smile turns
to a frown,
That let’s me know that you
are feeling down.
I want to hold you close and
make things better.
I want to open you up and read
what’s in that letter
That you keep so tightly sealed
up inside you,
The one that tells of why no one
can reach you.
The one that would give me some kind
of hope
That might let me loosen that
fearful rope
That keeps you so tied up in
all that fear,..
The one that might let me someday
get near.
Until that day all I can do
is love you
And hope someday that you’ll
let me inside of you.
And then I promise that I’ll take you
to that place,
where when I watch you sleep,..there’ll
be a smile upon your face.
Copyright: December 21, 2005