I Lost
Where did you go
Why did you leave me
They keep saying it isn’t your fault
Saying that I’ll heal
That I’ll find someone else
I don’t want anyone else
How can I heal when you were my heart
When you were what kept me going
I don’t want to keep going
I keep remembering what you told me
You kept telling me I needed to finish school
You wanted me to get my education
It was important to you
It meant more to you than it ever did to me
So I’m gonna try
I have to try
I still need to prove to you I can
I guess you found a way to get me to stop worrying about you
It’d be silly to worry about the dead guy
Maybe as silly as talking to the dead
They can’t talk back
But maybe they’ll hear my words
Can you hear them
I love you
I loved you through it all
Even when I felt like I shouldn’t
I never gave up on you
But loving you didn’t keep you with me
You never got a chance to meet daddy
And you never will