I Love and Would Die For My Country
I love and would choose to die in a micro second for my country,
but never ever in a war for which I just can't come to believe.
The whole thing would feel so capital punishment sinful to me.
Never my soul would I ever sell. I'd settle into my federal prison jail cell
and serve my time, until once again in America I'd be free.
Even if it meant being someone's girlfriend and getting tormented frequently.
I know very well that a life in prison is not one of luxury
and neither is fighting in a war whether you do or don't believe.
The after effects of either choice, will have their toll of terminal/mental casualties.
I begrudge no one who leaves my country to avoid a war they don't believe,
but I Love My Country So Much I could never bring myself to leave
and that's what separates them from me.
They who believe in their heart that My Country Needs Me
and then desert, be it on the battlefield or into some other country,
I neither begrudge them as well, because you see,
They Are The True Cowards and I don't need them in My Country.