I Love Osottanakorn and Your Goodwill
Head of the Rescue Operation gave it to the World
Quietly, a universal Operation for children
Who may play in the World Cup someday
A coach barely 25, who helped 12 survive
Yes, the Chiang Rai Cave Rescue has your name over it
So many churches prayed their hearts & soul
LORD knew I needed good news today, when HUURKOR
(Yes, a Octopus like Company renting flats in Africa
Wants to foreclose on property for HOA fees it failed to take)
So, like me, the world often waits for great news
LORD, thanks for not getting the UN & Charities in this
O the people left to themselves, without diplomacy
Pray for each other, each other's teams, countries
And Thai Navy man, Osottanakorn, was right, generous, light:
The people of the world made it THEIR LOVE OPERATION, 13 victories
More goals than in World Cup matches. Hearts were matched tight