I Love What Keeps Me Going
I ask the Lord, as I look high up above
What keeps me going....Is it just love?
I love- The sun, smiling...and the floating snow
I love- To watch the swirling winds...........Blow
I love- The oceans, the mountains and all trees
I love- The feel of nature's....................breeze
I love- To watch the full-moon..................sink
I love- To see the North Star....................wink
I love- To wake up..........and stretch and yawn
I love- To see the sunrise at the brink, of dawn
I love- The animals, the creatures and the fish
I love- removing rose petals.....to make a wish
I love- My family and I love....all of my friends
I love- We get wings, when one's...,...life ends
I love- My grandkids, my children and my wife
I love- All the people, that are part...of my life
I love- All these things, it just keeps my love growing
I love- My life, and that's what's keeping.....me going
What Keeps Me Going Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer