I Love You, My Saviour
I love* You, my Saviour God above all - and such is by Your grace
While I esteem You, giving You my sincere praise
Trusting You in running along life’s race
As my heart You keep within Your compassion’s embrace.
I love You, my Saviour Teacher, with Your truth I cherish
As my faith stands midst philosophies that easily perish
Upheld by Your wisdom mere opinions can’t tarnish
In Your principles You verily furnish.
I love You, my Saviour Redeemer; staying in Your will makes me a winner
For that’s the best choice I have as a saved sinner
I’ll abide in You, by Your mercy, quitting never
Blooming where You planted me in Your grace and power.
I love You, my Saviour Leader; esteeming You is my glad adoration
Overcoming pride, flesh and vanity’s temptation
As I walk through the Spirit’s confirmation
While within Your fellowship I bring my petition.
I love You, my Saviour Guide; so following You is my commitment
Obeying Your commands gives me sense of fulfillment
Reaching Your standards sets my heavenly attainment
Pleasing You thru my stewardship’s assignment.
I love You, my Saviour Upholder; serving You with joy is to me so exciting
While depending fully on Your might that’s uplifting
I strive to be Your steward humble for Your instructing
Laboring for You is a great privilege I’m appreciating.
*Psalm 116:1 I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.
April 10, 2018
8th place, "For Love's Sake" Poetry Writing Premiere Contest
Sponsored by Regina McIntosh; judged on 1/29/2023.
12th place, "SCREWED" Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Rob Carmack; judged on 5/10/2018.