I Love You
Every night I fall asleep praying about you and me, that when I wake up tomorrow
you’re here in my arms saying I love you too. Because we both know that our love
will grow and forever it will be you and me.
But that was three months ago when it was a reality. You said you
would never leave. You said we would be together forever. You told me you loved
me more than life itself. Until that one day I went for my monthly check-up and the
doctor told me I was HIV positive. H-I-to the V!!
I never cheated, I never stirred you wrong but for me to have HIV you
must have been up to something. I should have seen it coming, whenever I
walked into a room and you were on the phone you would start to talk low. When
we walked down the street you walked so slowly because you were to busy
looking at them other girls. I should have known. I should have paid attention to
the signs.
Now I’m here sitting on the floor crying into a pillow trying to get a
hold of you on your cell. “Ring Ring”, voicemail. “Ring Ring”, voicemail again!! Are
you trying to avoid me because you know what you’ve done or are you just too
tied up with one your other girls to answer the phone?
“Pick up the phone, answer the phone”, I yell into the receiver, but still
no answer only voicemail. Finally enough is enough I cleaned up my tears and
turned on the TV. I froze, my mouth dropped, there on the news live. “A dead
man’s body is recovered from a dumpster with six bullets to the body and one to
the head. Then the screen switches to a woman in handcuffs shouting intense
curse words. She’s the one that shot the man seven times because he gave her
HIV. Shocked to see that the woman on TV, was me!!
Over and Over again I replay that night on TV in my head while sitting
in my lonely jail cell crying into my pillow. All I want is the way it used to be, when
he would hold me in his arms oh so tenderly and rock me back and forth
saying, “I Love You Too.”