I Love You All
" I Love You All "
For you once again
I grab my poetic pen
and let my thoughts flow
painting words for you
my words of visual art
as my poetry will always grow.
As a creative poet
touching two important senses
your emotion and your vision
so please let me begin
as I try and achieve
for you this poetic mission.
I want to thank you all
from the bottom of my heart
for being my reading fans
I wished I could give you
a warm heartfelt hug
then shake all your hands.
Its all of your fault
the fine people like you
that ignite my creative desire
I could never ever
thank you all enough
for inspiring my writing fire.
The time you all give to me
is a precious meaningful thing
I will forever cherish
I have left my legacy
and my poetic words
shall hopefuly never perish.
Now my gift for the world
when I pass to die
will be left behind
keeping me alive
through my poetic words
flowing within your mind.
A famous poet
is a human being
that never dies
their published words
always touching hearts
and so many precious lives.
My reading fans are great
giving me inspiration
to stand so proud and tall
I sincerely thank You all
as I end this poem
saying I Love You All...
Penned By MPK
NOTE: This Poem Was Inspired By A Poem Done by
Christy Hardy Titled, " All My Friends"
Thank You Christy For Being Such A Inspiration...