I Love You Lenore
My Dearest Most Only LOVE, my Life, my Heartbeat, My Eternity My WIFE : LENORE
I////////////Write/////This letter to You////////from my/////Broken/////HEART to//////////YOU.
I am///still Very/////Deeply in LOVE////////////with an/////Angel/////My Muse :///ALWAYS.
YOU///are with/////Me in Prayers.//////////////You hold/////ME////YesterDays//////Todays
ANd///Forever/////I will be H OM E////////////beside YOU/////I////FeeL Y OUR///SPIRIT.
I/////////// AM ///////////eternally and///////Always Yours /// ///FOREVER as ////////////ONE.
I long to embrace YOU,to hold our Daughter JoAnne Naomi, to live as One for ETERNITY.
Walking,Talking//////with the//////Savior,Jesus////////////in the Light//////of Heaven/////I
Long to see the///////Eons///////of Eternities/////////////// L I F E For////// FOREVER/////I
Long to Entwine///////as////////One of God /////////////////'s FLOCK //////The LAMB//////I
Kneel,Pray before ////////// The ALMIGHTY /////////////// G I V I NG ///// T HANK S //////I
A m with MY HEART ////// My LOVE LENORE /////////// for Eternity //////////////////////// I Waited for 42 YEARS /// to Hug YOU again, hold YOUR Hands,Kiss YOUR Rosa red Lips.
//// I have ////// so much////to say///Lenore//////I do not know//////where to//////begin.
//// YOUR //LOVE is and/// //shall/// Touch//////// MY S O U L // //ashands//of GOD,
//// Touch////YOU & ME /// // as/// H I S ///////// CHILDREN //** FOREVER////Always
////Y O U // My BREATH /// I //a /// man ////// Loving Y O U// /// EONS, //FOREVER
///////// I/////// L O V E/// Love// /// S O ////// VERY MUCH // ///Nubbies////// ONE!
I know I need more practise my N&R suck.The Title is in this Write.Do YOU See It.