I Love You Mom
I remember my dad would drink,hit, and cuss at you.
But at the end you would stay strong.
We was always together when I was young.
You taught me for good and wrong.
You was there from thick and thin.
Your truly my best friend.
You was there when my life begin.
I will be there until the end.
You would take care of me on late nights.
When I was sick and the pain was to much, you would make me feel right.
I would tell you everything because we was tight.
I remember you holding me in your arms.
A place where I couldn't get harm.
I'm glad that God gave me you.
Put a smile on my face, you did everything you could do.
Your the best mother times two.
You made this boy,young man, and soon to be man.
In my darkest hours, you held my hand.
I love you mom,your the best,wonderful, and the prettiest.. I'm so thankful that the Lord gave me the best gift in the world. I love you and forever in my heart-Mario Perez