I Loved You
Love happened and I was silly
Got tired too quick, gave up early
I knew it was love but I forgot it never lasts
Well, mine didn't last
I enjoyed every moment, our memories keep coming
You promised all but I promised none
Never promised to love you forever
Although I loved you always
I sacrificed almost everything in my life
Just to prove how good I can be to show my love
I wasted all and walked away
Not because I don't want you
but just wanted to feel the 'once loved you'
It feels so good
I'm tearing apart since I got crazy
The love was in excess, played with a little
The little got me wasted and shattered
Resort to my pen is intrinsic; pride is my favourite virtue
Not hard to get but hard to keep
I still feel the pain of wasting all
Is it the love we shared?
Or the excess one that I later wasted?
Joy kills faster than sadness
I loved you but I crave more