I Married a Chameleon
Wearing a suit of many colors,
he made himself visible to few others.
Hiding in the shadows for years and years.
One day right before me he just appeared.
Being shy, this chameleon tried to hide...
from the feelings buried deep down inside.
He then turned yellow when he said to me...
you bring me sunshine on a cloudy day.
In all my years I've never felt this way...
and there's something else that I would like to say...
Now turning red he said you have my heart.
From this day on let us make a new start.
Then turning blue...he said please marry me,
my love for you is as vast as the sea.
So...this is how this story came to be...
he blends in nicely with my family...
their all birds living up in a tree.
Gee...wasn't that how it's suppose to be?