I May Not Be Here Tomorrow
I May Not Be Here Tomorrow!
When tomorrow comes, I may not be here!
This life I have… Could just disappear!
I may think of this world as my “sanctuary.”
But my life down here, is just temporary!
Life just passes me by, and goes by fast!
I can think of many things done in the past!
But the past is gone by…
Tomorrow’s another day!
What am I going to do?
What am I going to say?
I don’t know about the future,
or what it may bring.
Life has it’s way of bringing
good and bad things!
I’m going to look to Jesus and give him my trust!
Living daily for him...
I shall try! I must!
Jesus holds tomorrow in the palm of his hand!
Everything about me... He already understands!
HE shall be here tomorrow! Till the very end!
He’s somebody I can give my life to! And depend!
I come to you Jesus! For comfort and delight!
I know that with you, everything will be alright!
Life may not turn out the way
I expect it to be!
But Jesus will take care of it all!
Most assuredly!
By Jim Pemberton