I Mean Like Him
Him. From my past, occupying my present.
I am lured by his essence - I mean like the presence of him brings me an ooey gooey all familiar warmth inside
He is hearty and wholesome like the yams and collards that grandma would whip up every Sunday after I would spend the service rebuking the hunger pang demons buried in my belly.
I mean like He's like dipping my toe into the hot wet bubbly after a lengthy stressful day.
I mean like he's not just my soul food or my personal spa retreat type get away.
You see he's like my morning fix of caffeine
that jolts me out of dream world into starting my day
I like the thought of being his lady not only because he's not really impressed by the many hip switchers with the 22 inch honey blond strands down their backs
And I'm not saying I'm perfect, like all my coals aren't diamonds yet but
I mean like he sees the core of my soul
he has worked with his bare hands down to the root of me
He reasons with my tears and takes my sadness for hostage replacing it with sweet melodies like honey dew in the morning
I peer into his sparkling Browns watching his spirit reach for and penetrate every last depth within me
Like....he glows he is my night light even
And like....it's not like I'm asking too much of him
He keeps his love stocked and plentiful like he's preparing for Armageddon
See yall he has arrested my heart I release all my woes onto him he washes my sins away like he's my personal Jesus or something
I mean like that's just the start of this love story
He rules all of my planets and wishes on all of my stars
Making sure our alignment will never deteriorate
I mean like....