I Met That Star In a Hamlet
I met that star, with my name on; I met
That twinkling star, a beacon, lovely one;
I met her in a hamlet—less spoiled—yet
We met when homeward sun his cart did run.
She often tip-toed with her mother star,
To the field to cut grains or feed her cow,
While blinking slyly, like an angled spar
At her love, as she’s doing here, just now.
She was the peahen, and I...the peacock.
Drowned in our astral love, we did dance;
Just forgetting how other stars did flock,
We danced, diving in our hypnotic trance.
I gaze in my dreams at blue star-lit sky
And then see two lovely stars gleaming high.
* A 3rd Place* in the following contest (judged on Dec. 31, 2020)
Dec. 29, 2020
Podium placing promise (2) Poetry Contest
Contest sponsor: Brian Strand
* A 2nd Place* in the following contest (judged on Nov. 12, 2020)
Nov. 10, 2020
There is a star with my name on it Poetry Contest
Contest Sponsor: Silent One