Love Poem: I miss
Krish Radhakrishna Avatar
Written by: Krish Radhakrishna

I miss

I miss Judith, for devil that she was,
she would give me a stare each time I pass,
built like a fort on two pillars of stone,
she would glare like I had sins to atone!

she recycled curtains to make her dress,
she tied her hair with old shoe lace, God bless,
her speech was a dragon breathing fire,
if disobeyed, consequences were dire.

I miss Judith for all the things she did,
under toughness, all the goodness she hid,
clean house, good food, love and care she would show,
harsh on surface, deep in, her heart would glow.

my pretty wife’s dear mother Judith was,
if in my house, you would know who was boss,
she would make you feel welcome, serve you tea,
give you roasted cashew, brimming with glee.

judge not your dear ones for how they behave,
we count their faults, forget all good they gave,
not everyone in life trains to show love,
in her falcon, was hid a peaceful dove.

why pretend to be tough, shall never know,
at hint of our suffering, her tears flow,
many like her who glare when mean a kiss,
for the angel she was, Judith, I miss!