I Miss That Stuff
Waking up on Saturday morning as a kid
I did,
Playing hide-and-go-seek with my parents
I hid.
Watching early morning looney toons
on the tube,
It was funny seeing Wiley Coyote blow a fuse
too cool.
I Miss That Stuff ----
I used to go to my friend's house when
Nintendo came out,
We'd play Street Fighter 'till the sun
went down.
I'd go back home and eat mom's
fried chicken,
the little wings and on the side string
green beans.
I Miss That Stuff----
I remember frozen flavored ice, we called
them flips,
Either my mom would make them, or spend
.25 cents.
Remember those huge pickels, I do but
never did eat one,
Airheads are still my favorite, I'd love to
stretch each one.
I Miss That Stuff----
I miss the old days when no big
rims exsisted,
The city bus was useful, I'd love to
get in them.
Spending the night at grandma's house
was always something fun,
If I could go back now, I'd take each day
one by one.
I Miss That Stuff----