I Miss You Pappy
Pappy, I miss you
so much, it's sometimes
unbearable, this pain,
simple pain of losing someone
that was always there
for me, the one eho helped
me, and told me stories
of World War II, Pappy I
still cry sometimes, you
were my life, the center of
everything, the one who always
came first, the one who is
still the world to me, I miss
you so much Pappy.
Why did it have to be
you Pappy? Why not me
instead? No, Not me,
someone else? My
heart is getting healed,
day after day. All I
have to do is think of
you, if I am having a
bad day and ask myself
"What would Pappy do
in this situation?"
I miss you greatly
Pappy! Pappy someday
we'll be together
again someday
very soon.
I love you
Briana Lynn Palmer
~Dustin's Faithful and loving Wife~