I Must Call You
Oh my dear pal you are just like moon
You wait my dear I must call you soon.
Little light calm time is sparking night,
Oh my dear pal moon you are joy bright.
Fight we do not more I love you darling,
Up above the capital sky you are starling.
Singing you are calling you are I do know
Snow has reflected moon, in love I glow.
I am melting much more soon you do feel
I have forgiven all your mistakes I do seal.
In absence of your mother I play her role,
A true friend is just like mom feels whole.
Come on my palms dear come in my hug,
I must fondle I must dandle in a love jug.
Singer I am of affection you are a singer,
Stranger I may be I am love bliss bringer.
Ringer you can never be as I play drum,
Please call urgent message you send sum
I get your message you call me dear moon,
Praying God for you I must call you soon.
© Pintu Mahakul, 15 October 2016. All rights reserved