I Must Have Dreamed You Here
Thy love hath possessed me, and consumed mine every thought.
An inescapable prisoner; handed an irrevocable sentence of love.
Thy memory hath become my ever constant companion, my dearest friend.
My imagination carries mine heart to thee.
I have dreamt thee so close that I could almost hear the beat of thy heart.
How strong the illusion and how intolerably cruel when it vanishes in the night.
I languish in love and longing akin to pain.
I reach for thee in my dreams only for you to disappear on the whim of a touch.
Mine soul is disquieted in me; a raging storm of rapture and despair.
How long, shalt I mourn for thee? How long till I hold more than your memory?
Tis more than I can bear, but alas I will close mine eyes to sleep ,and once again
meet you there.