I Need To Obey Jesus
I Need to Obey Jesus!
If I don’t obey Jesus, how can I expect him to help me?
Especially when I have many temptations around me!
If I don’t read his word, and don’t apply it’s meaning…
There will be many lies in life, that I’ll start believing!
If I don’t seek HIS blood’s cleansing of my soul…
There’ll be many blessings that I’ll never know!
If I don’t stop living like there’s no tomorrow…
I’ll continue to struggle with guilt and sorrow.
I need to change! I’m going to start today!
I want to serve Jesus! Trust him and obey!
Please forgive me Jesus, for my sinful ways…
I come before you and give honor and praise!
Please change me and my life throughout.
I need to be what a child of God is about!
Please help me! I can’t make it on my own!
I ask for your healing among
my family and home!
Help me to be the person you want me to be!
May these chains of sin be gone!
I need to be free!
Thank you dear lord for listening to my prayer…
Without you, I’m filled with hopelessness and despair!
I give you my whole life! My savior and king!
Because of you… I have everything!
By Jim Pemberton 05/03/14